"I Like Tuh'tles!"

Yeah. I'm possibly going to get a shirt like that. Well that's what my mom says. I don't want to tell my dad, he will say no. >.<

"I Like Tuh'tles!"

This dude, Armando hugged me today. I have NO idea why, he just did. >.> I don't even know him that well. Well, HE doesn't know me well; I stalk him.

And Vio too. I stalk both of them.

Add me on Myspace? www.myspace.com/bananabaconjr

Me and Ignacio went to do out EXPERIMENTTT.
You wanna know the results.. you KNOW you do..

Problem Statement :: What kind of music makes your heart beat faster? Rock, Heavy Metal, Polka, or Classical?

Classical: 90 heart beats per minute.
Polka: 100 heart beats per minute
Rock: 130 heart beats per minute
Heavy Metal: 140 heart beats per minute.

LOLZZ we rule ;D


In school, Precious gave me a birthday present [you would understand if you were one of my best friends about the birthday business]! Not even my parents gave me a present on my birthday -_____-
Anyways, she gave me a card that sings "THANK YOU VERY MUCH! THANK YOU THANK YOU VEERRRYYY MUCH! THANK YOU VERY MUCH, THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOU VERY MUCH! We mean it! BUH DUH DUH DUH Duh-Dum! Thaaaaaanks you vereeryyy muuuuuuch! WOOHOO!"
lmfao. It's so annoying and awesome in it's own way.
And she also gave me a little black bag with candy corn on it and inside FOUR bags of M&M's, A Reeses thingy shaped like a pumpkin, A kit kat, and one of those things that you blow on that makes some Party Noise.

October 20th, 2007 at 07:56am