Insert Attention Grabbing Title Here

This blog is just going to be me rambling about life, and what all I have been up to.

So about a week ago I wrote a blog about how there was a murder right outside my house. Just a recap of what happened...

- I was not home when it happened(thank god)
- The guy was shot in the head
- He was 23 years old

It is really sad this happened. Especially right outside my house. I have moved on from it though. I am no longer afraid, and I no longer feel a deep sadness when I think about it. I talked about it in therapy and realized me being scared was irrational. The murder was nothing but personal, and no one is going to come here and hurt me for any random reason. So that's all I have to say about that.


So if you been reading The lovely Hina's blogs you will know I have been streaming on Twitch. For those of you who aren't familiar with the site, Twitch is a website where you watch people play videogames. I have been playing The Sims 4 on there. I plan on mostly playing causal games on there. But we will see what people want to see me play. I might do some Paragon streams.

Can I just say streaming makes me extremely tired? I can't go longer than four hours. I know that sounds crazy that playing video games makes me tired. No, I'm not that out of shape. I just have to be really focused on the game and my viewers at the same time. It takes a lot of focus and it is honestly exhausting. I don;t know how anyone does it on there for 5+ hours.


Work has been going really well for me. I have been getting overtime recently and my checks are looking SWEET! I really want to get some Sims 4 expansion packs to help improve my stream, but bills come first.

Anyway, that's all of my rambles for tonight. BYE MIBBA!
May 18th, 2017 at 05:00am