This is what you do when Someone Say’s “This is not a Rhetorical Question”

(The above is the original link)

A crossroad of conflict is a dangerous place to be at, especially if you're just walking by. People get so into conversations, discussions, and arguments that it turns into a mess sometimes. I can’t blame them with all that energy in the air, who wouldn’t want to grab it? Every once in awhile that one special person shows up at the crossroad. Not special in a way where they are awe-inspiring, but in a way that they just stand out. Do you know what kind of - why bother asking you, you don’t even know.

I’ve seen this happen plenty of times, but you’ll be asked a rhetorical question. The only thing about it though is if you don’t answer because it’s a rhetorical question, then it will be assumed that you didn’t know the answer and the person who asked will most likely make it seem so. If you do know the answer you may be cut off or get laughed at because there was never a need for you to answer it in the first place. So how do you go along answering a - why bother asking you, it’s so obvious.

So you just got asked a rhetorical question. You have two options which don’t support you, so in reality, you have none. What’s the best thing for you to do? Get creative! Creative people are the best to produce a result when they don’t have anything desirable to use. As a matter of fact, that’s how the majority of creatives go along their creative process. “Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things.” - Steve Jobs. I used to hate Steve Jobs for saying that. I thought he would put all creatives out of the field and I would have to go do some logistical job like answer rhetorical question from artificial intelligence.

Whether we like to admit it or not, nothing can be created or destroyed. You can call it God’s Law, the Universal Law, or even Through the Window Law, but nothing can be created or destroyed. So how do creatives really create? We synthesize. If you're going to want to answer that rhetorical question you need to take it apart first. Why did that person even ask it? Well, it’s a rhetorical question they’re used to prove a point. That’s what rhetorical devices are for. That’s all you need from the question. Whatever he or she said doesn’t really matter. So now you have everything you need to construct the All Ending Rhetorical Question.

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Just make sure your burns hotter. “Why would you even ask that?” You throw that question someone's way and they’ll have a committee meeting in their head before they throw another rhetorical question your way. Answer that for a rhetorical question and the person on the other end will have a few options. If they answer their own question to where it so obvious, promptly reply “if it's so obvious, then why would you even ask that?” That also works if they say the answer is obvious. Now be warned, if you say the All Ending Rhetorical Question in a calm cool, and collect manner, then the majority of the time they will head that route. But just like art, it’s not for everybody. You will have those few that will say “well because I want you to answer it” or something where you just can’t respond “why would you even ask that?”. That’s why I mentioned creatives. You’ll have to get creative with the All Ending Rhetorical Question and their rhetorical question. It doesn’t seem all ending anymore. I could give you a million different ways how to handle each individual rhetorical questions, but that would be tedious and pointless. Rather, it’s best to get creative and show the unusual. What isn’t obvious will be right in front of the Rhetoricians eyes through your creative skills. Well did you even have an All Ending- it doesn’t matter because you're a creative. You can construct ember from twigs and frame it on a painting. You can make sounds which seemed like the voice of a mystical siren. Creatives don’t answer the obvious. Their answer is the unobvious. Stun them one way or another, you're never out of options.

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May 23rd, 2017 at 01:59am