Sample - please read & comment!

Below is an exerpt of sorts from a story I want to work on. I wanted to post what I actually have written down and see what people think before i post it online, so pleas read and tell me what you think, should I develop this?


There was a body found underneath the log pile out back. We only noticed something was wrong when the flies wouldn't leave and when the putrid smell that was oozing from the pile had reached the front of the restaurant. It took the police 45 minutes to get up the mountain and all we could do was cover our noses and wait. When they did arrive, we watched as hey gave a vague excuse to each guest on why they had to leave then as they taped off the whole restaurant.

They told us to wait on the side, far enough to work, close enough to watch. We all huddled together, quietly peering over to watch as they lifted the logs up, slowly exposing a body. When the logs were completely cleared, the sheriff and forest rangers hoisted her up, adjusting her in their arms so they could comfortably bring the body to the corners van.

She was wrapped in a blue tarp that had paint all over it and heavy duty tape, her face the only thing that we could actually see. As they walked past us I saw her face clearly, blue and purple from the cold and covered in dirt mixed with frost. And, her eyes were open.
May 23rd, 2017 at 07:13pm