Can you say "It was amazing and there wasn't even any kissing?"

It wasn't the MOST fun I've ever had in my life...
But it came close.

I was in The Haunted Hayride with NJHS. Me, C, EH, AT, and Sanders, were all working at the Snow White station together. After a lot of girl talk (even though Sanders has a Y Chromosome, as he pointed out often...
EH- "I switch costumes with you"
Sanders- "YOU CAN'T!!!!!!!! I'M THE ONLY GUY!!"
Yeah, well, later in the evening he ended up the evil queen)

Okay, so after a lot of girl talk we got set up in our tunnel decorated with table pressed against the sides blocked off by fences, with lights on the ceiling, a button to play the Dwarves' mining song, bit aluminum foil covered "diamonds" and a ladder with a skeleton attached that would fall dangerously close to the passengers in the tractor as they went buy. And, you know, etc. We had makeup heavily on our faces...mostly mine, with red lips, red cheeks, and dark green/black eye makeup.....I go overboard, its a quality I love. The blacklights made our hair and teeth glow.....half of us looked scary/vampirical.....but anyway, we got to stand and scream at people going by for over two hours......IT WAS AMAZING.....oh, I was so EVIL as the Queen......but I made a weird dwarf.

Halfway through my tenure as a dwarf, Alex decided she had to we used the buddy system and wasted about twenty minutes looking at horses and playing with our shapeless brown "miners" dresses. We came back looking So Sexy.......NOT really.

I've started to ramble...but then I got to be Snow White, look innocent, and flirt annoyingly with Prince was funny hearing the people in the tractors go "OOOOOOh, Look at Prince Charming with SNOW WHITE."

I heard I looked like Goldilocks.

Afterwards, I got a ride home with Sanders's mom and kind of didn't realize she was next to me when I said something about how dirty it sounded when he said he was taking me home to the NJHS advisor person....C's mom.

Oh, and we had SO MUCH FUN. At one point, C disappeared and we were all freaking out....but she had just gone to the bathroom......

I stole a ton of Sweet-tarts.....
.......And EH is going to tell my crush ("crush" not the previous mentioned obsession) that I like him Monday whether I like it or not. Joy. Ack.

OH. And.........I just forgot........Oh, yeah.....

The best part of the night was all the times we would scream and everyone would get scared...or the little kids would, but whatever, and they would scream and we would scream LOUDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, or maybe it was the times we sang "We're Not Gonna Take It" loudly, dropping all the diamonds we were holding and shouting.

I am such a drama queen...........I love getting an audience reaction.

October 20th, 2007 at 11:01am