New Story in the Works

So if you've been on this site for the last few months, you may or may not have read some blogs from my friend about her story The Trajectory of Planes. You've seen both of us hype about it, a few other people have mentioned it in blogs. It's currently featured in the TaC-LaC line up. It's just so good, and it just doesn't have enough love.

Maddi and I have been talking about it for ages, since she started writing it really, and last night she showed me the entire time line. I seriously can't stress enough how epic this story is and is going to be.

That said Maddi has been urging me for a few months now to write my own piece for the story, a sort of side story for it, if you will, and coming up with ideas for it is not only getting me back into writing, but also helping her develop Planes even more.

My story is far from being something to post, and I don't want to say much about the tentative plans I have for it, other than how excited I am for it.

Look at this amazing aestheitc
June 22nd, 2017 at 10:04pm