I Had my Baby. Give Me Some Stories PLEASE!

Okay so I had him on April 4th. A whole week later than his actual due date. So I was a whole ten months and a week pregnant by the time I finally was induced. I was doing so well with the medication they gave me to start up my contractions and get me dilating (because even at almost 42 weeks, I was only 2cm dilated going in). So anyway, my body stopped reacting to the medication and I got stuck dilated at 9cm. The baby's head was pushing down and when they did an exam on me, they found traces of something -- I forgot the name -- that meant he would be harmed if I tried to deliver vaginally.

Anyway, I ended up having to have a c-section. This was literally my biggest fear because I am the world's biggest baby just with needles. They had to cut me open while I was AWAKE. I was freaking out and crying hysterically because my husband had to stay home with our daughter and I was left with my grandma but while I was being wheeled away to get the C-section my grandma had to wait while they prepped me and guess what?


I was a hysterical while they prepped me and the anesthesiologist was holding my hand and preparing me. He said he'd distract me when they do the cut so that I wouldn't be focused on it and I brought up that I wanted my grandma and where was she and so finally they sent a nurse to look for her. So the anesthesiologist was I guess trying to kill time and asked me about my husband and my daughter and where we were from and I started to cry even more and was just like stop talking to me. You're trying to distract me! Oh my God they are already cutting me! So he had to calm me down because they weren't even cutting yet and I was given anxiety medication to calm me down and my grandma was finally in the room. So now she was distracting me and I felt pressure on my stomach and then I heard my son's first cry. The first thing the doctor said was "Oh wow, he's huge!"

Orion Isaiah. 8 pounds and 6.5 ounces and 20inches long.

So there's my terrible birth story but anyway it's been three months and he's finally letting me have time to myself which is why I'm finally back on Mibba. I'm excited to write something. I'm not sure what, but something and I'm even more excited to read. It's been so long since I've had time and I just want to enjoy it. Drop me those stories!
July 16th, 2017 at 12:30am