Thank You, Guys!

Hey guys.

It's me. I realize it has been a while since I updated, to be more precise, it's been four years since I last wrote something related to Avenged Sevenfold for the matter. Many things have happened since my last update and sadly this note, chapter, whatever you decide to call it it's to say I will be not completing this story.

It's not fair to keep you all waiting for updates or wondering when my inspiration will return from the war, haha. I'm saddened by the thought of parting away with this story, it was my first multi-chaptered one and I poured my heart into it.

I was just 18-19 when I first started writing "Our Own Piece of Heaven" and I have come so far from that time thanks to this website. Because here is where all started. I am very happy to have been part of the Mibba community.

It's just that my heart is not towards any A7X content related anymore, don't get me wrong. I'm still a fan but I just don't feel like writing about them, anymore. I'm very sorry for that.

I still have the lineups for what could've happened, in this story. However my inspiration is no longer in it to write it and I don't wanna force myself to write something I'm not even remotely comfortable with.

I'm working on so many other projects and I have moved my new works to Wattpad, Deviantart and AO3, however they are not A7X related so you might not enjoy them.. Who knows.

I wanna tell you all, that I am incredibly grateful towards all of you who kept looking forward to each chapter, all of you who commented, recommended and read my stories in this site. I grew as a writer thanks to you, and that's something I could never repay you.

I'm also taking this opportunity to announce I'm officially writing my own book, it's on the early stages but it's finally happening for me and wow, if I'm excited.

I hope you're all good, and wish you guys nothing but the best.

Thank you,
July 22nd, 2017 at 11:35pm