
Alt title; is my life even real?

suggested listening.

Hey, guys!

I've been gone for a bit, again. This time I went to Florida for a family reunion on my step mother's side. It was nice. I actually got to see a friend of Ruby Salazar's because she worked front desk at the hotel we were at. THEY LOOK SOOO ALIKE OMG. So that was really cute because I couldn't see Ruby because she was out of state that weekend, so that was nice.

I'm honestly so exhausted. I made plans to see the lawyer tonight. The second I told him when I was coming home he jumped at the chance of setting something up but he had to cancel because he's currently being caught up at work. Which is blah because I really wanted to see him but cool at the same time because I'm actually soo tired and he lives all the way in the city.

I think I'll go through with plans to see Seth tomorrow. I haven't seen him in like a month because I was traveling, he had family come over, I traveled again and he got sick. So it'll be a cute little night tomorrow probably.

As of tomorrow I officially only have a month left of summer. Which is so bittersweet because I've been having a really good summer. Like movie-esque summer. But I'm also excited for a new academic year and getting my shit together and seeing people I haven't seen since school has been out.

And independence. Gotta love independence.

I seriously wanna update something before the summer is out. Idk, man. I've just been busy out here living life and having a good time that I don't wanna say writing took the back seat, but it just slips away from me.

Oh well, as long as the blogs are kinda entertaining, right?

How were you guys week/weekend?
Any plans for this week?

Mucho besos.

Bye <3
July 26th, 2017 at 01:04am