I Feel Sad

Well, last night I took this shower becaseu I was pissed and normally taking a shower helps me to fel better but it made me worse. It made me realize everyone was like the little drops of water falling down the drain, always falling, going against gravity, and being pulled to their demise. Plus we had to watch someone die in Science in a flippin' movie about the flippin' body. I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THE BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't care if anyone I know reads this, I'm saying it anyone.

So after I went to bed becasue I started crynig uncontrolably i happened to find my razor I keep in my pillow case. You can guess what happenes next. My wrist hurts like a mother now and hat makes me even sadder becasue I haven't done it for a while. No, that's a lie. I slashed my wrist some time last week like on Wednesday.

I'm thinking I need a counciler *shudders* or some other fucked up person like that. The problem is, I don't know how to get one without my parents finding out and the one at school doesn't do diddly-squat. Oh my, the stupid voice in my head is narrating my life again.

April 3rd, 2007 at 03:24pm