I'm Back With a New Story!

Hello Everyone!

Just want everyone to know that I been doing great! Gonna be graduating with my Art Education Degree on December 9th and moving down to Texas to live with my best friend and pursue my career in teaching, writing, and art :D

I'll talk about my life some other time lol.
For now, I want to mention that I have a new story that just posted its Prologue and will be worked on!

I know for those of you who remember me with City of Evil/The Deathbat Chronicles are maybe bummed I have not continued that series but the reason for that is because I am turning it into an original novel (many novels) so I kind of want to keep all that special on the side :3

This new story on Mibba is called Scarlet Noir and you may find it if you look up my stories and see it is the only one (because I deleted everything else in the past to start fresh lol).

There might be sequels but I will not worry about that now lol.

I hope to catch up with all of you over time.
I do miss a lot of the people on here :)

Much love!
August 13th, 2017 at 11:19pm