Saw a Therapist + Psychiatrist | New Zealand

Hello all. Long time no see.

I've been quite inactive this past summer so I decided to give an update.

In July I began to see a therapist because my brain hasn't been good to me. She said I definitely have depression and possibly anxiety, but my need to constantly repeat thoughts in my head and a certain fear of mine make her think the anxiety could actually be OCD. She recommended me to a psychiatrist who made the diagnosis of depression official but she can't tell if the other thing is anxiety or OCD quite yet (while my therapist is leaning towards OCD, the psychiatrist is leaning towards general anxiety and my OCD habits are my subconscious way of coping). The psychiatrist prescribed me to Zoloft and Xanax (although the Xanax is until the Zoloft kicks in so I won't be getting this refilled. She also said to take it only if I feel like I need to. I think I've been pretty good with this because I've only taken it about 4 times out of the three weeks I had it).

It kind of startled me that I was prescribed after only one appointment with the psychiatrist but my therapist put my thoughts into words by saying, "I think the fact that someone finally validated how you feel freaked you out." Which is true since I'm so used of everyone telling me "but everyone goes through that" that it got to the point where I thought everything I've been feeling my whole life is normal and that's why it took me this long to finally admit to myself I need help.

I will say that once I started taking the medication, my social anxiety has decreased. It's not "cured" by any means but I'm currently working at a full-on customer service job which used to make me panic just a month ago. It's even in the food business and touching other people's food used to freak me out. I'm finding myself not having to repeat thoughts as often as before. I still do but it doesn't take up so much time out of my day. The depression hasn't lessen and to be honest I'm not baseline as I type this (I've been extremely irritable).

My next appointment with the psychiatrist is September 14 and I can see my therapist again once I go home for winter break.

Also, my application for studying abroad in New Zealand is kind of scaring me. There's just SO MUCH to do and I only have until September 29. It needs all my passport information by then too. I've been begging my parents to help me renew my passport since the beginning of August and I still don't have it renewed. Luckily I can get the process done in 8 days for only $60 which is actually a lot cheaper than I was expecting.

But that's about it. Hope you're having a good day.

Ciao a tutti!
September 5th, 2017 at 04:34am