Final DaT-Related Blog: I Tried, I Really Did

I didn't finish the ABC Drabble-a-Thon, very much to my dismay. I'm not happy about, but what's done is done. I just have to move one.

It wasn't from lack of effort that I didn't finish it. I actually had about half of the needed stories written. Some are already posted, and some just needing polishing up. But despite a strong start I had, I hit a point a few weeks ago where, despite my best efforts, it wasn't going to be finished.

For once, it wasn't writer's block that got in the way. Nope. It was real life I had to take care of. This included work, finishing up some projects I had started (and really had to get done), and some needed cleaning took center stage. It had to be done, more so than the writing. So, I did it.

Now, I am planning to finish up the drabbles. I started this thing, and I feel the need to finish it. (It may bother me otherwise.) Plus, it will keep me writing. I just will be doing it on my own, at a slower pace.

Maybe next time I do a challenge like this, I'll make it. It's just that this wasn't the one, not this time.

Until later,

~ S
September 6th, 2017 at 05:53am