Once A Day Blog 2: Story Reviews and Recommendations for Blog Ideas

I'm going to try and write a once a day blog for maybe 100 days or somewhere around there. If anyone has any requests on topics they'd like me to discuss feel free to send me a message or comment on this blog. There are no limitations; Politics excluded because I do not have keen knowledge of this topic.

Forgive me if I make a mistake, I'm still new to making hyper links.

Despair Violets

This first story is called Despair and Violets and it is written by [Dragneel.]. I am very picky about stories I read, but I gave this one a shot and really enjoyed the first chapter. I got sort of an eerie feel to it when I read it which made me feel more connected to the situation the character was in. The story is about a young teenage girl who gets sent off to a camp for mentally ill individuals after she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. It's not very long, the pacing is perfect; I think it's great. Check it out!
September 11th, 2017 at 04:18am