Life Update and Tattoo #2

This is gonna be a fun one; it's been too damn long.

In my last update, I admitted to my boyfriend going into rehab for his alcoholism. Since then, it's been over a month since he's been back and my life has changed quite a bit for the better. I'm gonna try to cover all the bases that I can, but I'm going to warn you: this might end up being a little long.

Number One - Quitting My Job:

This one is a doozy of a story, but I'm just going to sum it all up more or less. I paid a certain ex-coworker idiot $20 to take a shift; that night, he grabbed me inappropriately. I didn't report it because I had, had previous affairs with him and I knew that it would probably be risking my job. Kevin was still in rehab at the time, so I told him during one of the times he called me, and he then relayed the message to his dad.

His dad went in the store, told stupid ex-coworker that if he heard about him doing that stuff again, he would get a nice policeman and a detective to come down there and have a nice friendly chat with him. He took it as a threat and my boss was called in. After that, I told my boss what happened (the whole story) and she sent me outside to have a break because I was visibly upset. She said she had to report it all to home office, since it happened while him and I were on company time and after thinking about it for a few minutes, I just walked back in and quit. I knew I was going to lose my job anyways...

I quit a week before Kevin got out of rehab and since then, I've picked up my last paystubs and have gotten a new job, but I'll come back to that in a few.

Number Two - Kevin:

So, this is probably going to be the longest thing I write in this journal, so hold onto your hats, kiddos.

Kevin was discharged from rehab the 12th of August. That day, his mom, grandmother, and me went down there and picked him up. It was really great because I was so happy to have him home that night and the two of us literally slept like we hadn't slept in years. Neither of us like sleeping alone and we both dealt with it for 28 days (minus the fact that I had the cat). Since then, life has been great. He's stayed sober, is currently in out-patient treatment three days a week, and he's more or less trying to put his life back together.

Since his discharge, I've officially changed my address, moved my Betta fish up to his house, and have been living here with him and his dad. We all get along very well in this strange dynamic, but it's good. I talked to his dad often, we all take care of the house a little bit, and I sleep a lot easier at night knowing that someone isn't going to be screaming at me when I wake up in the morning.

Things have been great and I honestly wouldn't change that for the world. We've been back together three months and time has just flown by so quickly that it's unreal. We celebrated our 3 month anniversary the 5th and he had bought me a sweet little card that made me cry because there's just so many emotions that I've thrown into this relationship that it amazes me how much he means to me.

Number Three - New Job

So, a week ago, I went and filled out hiring paperwork for my new job. I started working at a pet store in town, just a little down the street from the former shoe store. So far, I've only worked one day, but they have me running the register like a pro, facing shelves, and making sure that the animals are taken care of for the most part. My manager and I get along very well, and they recognize Kevin's dad's face, and how much he likes to pick, so they know what I deal with on a day to day basis.

It's a fairly small store, but I really like it. We all seem to get along and even though I'm new and really awkward, they think that I'll be a good employee... or at least that's what they tell me. My second day on the job is tomorrow and I'm nervous, but I'm pretty sure I'll make it through.

Number Four - Tattoo #2


Yesterday, I went down to the same little shop I visited when I got my first tattoo, and asked the guy if he'd be able to recreate a design that was done for me by someone really nice. This is what came of this design.

After Yukine passed away last March, I went on tumblr searching to see if someone would be able to design a tattoo for me to get in his honor. His death was a mistake that I had made, but that fish did a lot for me as he was not only therapeutic, but he also taught me a lot of information about Bettas that I carry with me to this day as I take care of his brothers. I love the work that was done for this tattoo and it really means a lot to me just looking at it. It makes me really happy and I just love it so much. I thought I'd share it with you all, since this is the second piece of art I've gotten done that was drawn for me by someone else.

It's precious.

Until next time,
Kayla VI
September 14th, 2017 at 07:30pm