Home Isn’t Really Home Anymore

Home is either a place, a person, or a thing. Let’s say home is a person but what if something happened with that person and now no matter what you do home just isn’t home anymore now every time you look or think about home all you can see is every crack and broken out of place piece and all of the faulty wiring. what do you do? You’re too scared to start over and to lonely to leave and be on your own but home no matter what just isn’t home. You start realize home might have never really been home at all. Because if it was then why do you still miss home even when you’re there? I feel like my home was bulldozed and put to pieces now I’m just standing on rocky foundation with ruble all around me reminding me I need to move on and start fresh but I can’t move. How does one leave when they already have so much invested. Just pack up and go when all the hard work and dedication and time was wasted. How because I just can’t seem to make my legs move and look away from fantasy that maybe it can be rebuilt one day with effort and commitment once again the faulty wiring of trust can be rewired and put back right. The cracks in the foundation can be filled with rightfully promised actions instead of empty words and assurance. Why is it so hard to walk away when you were left behind first?
September 20th, 2017 at 01:02am