I Don't Know

Hey Guys ♥

Last week there was another bomb attack on a train in London and straight away all I started hearing is 'Muslims this Muslims that' and it is really starting to grind on me. So I want to share a story that is the complete opposite of everything I've been hearing.

My little girl is six years old, she views the world through innocent eyes and doesn't judge anyone. She knows that people come in different colors, she knows that when it's raining and sunny at the same time, we see a rainbow. She knows that boys can love boys and girls can love girls, because in her words 'love is just two hearts beating to the same tune'.

She doesn't see the bad in the world, she doesn't understand that there is racism, homophobia, terrorists, war and it may be wrong, but I am thankful for every day that she gets to keep her innocence.

The other day on the bus on the way to visit her nan, there was a Muslim girl sitting on the seat in front of her, wearing a hijab (please correct me if that's the wrong term). I saw the exact moment that the questions started entering her brain and she was dying to ask, but instead she asked me. Mummy, what is that thing the lady is wearing on her head? Why is she wearing it?

Rather than answer the questions myself, I decided to tackle the situation in a different way and so I told her to ask the girl, so she did. They spoke about all different things, from the hijab she wore to the country that her parents were born in... the girl explained that she was born in England, but took on the faith that her parents had.

I need to add that the girl asked permission, before answering the questions to make sure that I was okay with it and I agreed straight away. You see, I don't want my daughter to be afraid, I want her to learn about different cultures and different religions, so that she grows up with the knowledge that not everyone is the same for many reasons.

I want my daughter to grow up knowing that racism against ANYone is not okay, that homophobia and discrimination are wrong... I want her to know that being different in any aspect is okay. Maybe, some people are just too stuck in their ways to see that one bad egg doesn't make a whole bunch rotten. One bad police officer doesn't make the entire force bad, one terrorist doesn't make every Muslim bad, one racist white person doesn't make every white person racist... those people (the bad ones) should be judged individually without persecuting a whole race/religion/profession.

This is probably just a load of rambling and there will people that go 'You don't get it'... well perhaps I don't, perhaps I've not experienced anything you have first hand, but at least I'm trying to teach my daughter that it's not right to treat people differently based on someone else's views or actions.

I'm not going to argue with people... I just wanted to share a little positivity during a negative time.

Love you
See you
September 20th, 2017 at 07:31pm