Once A Day Blog 17: Conspiracy Theory That May Have Ruined Writing for Me

I was just floating on youtube cause I was bored and of course found something on the internet I probably shouldn't have clicked on It was a very detailed description on the satanic subliminal messages of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. Now I'm not going into details on the video, but basically after watching this, it seems as though nothing in this world is good or original. In deep detail it was described how unbelievably subliminal DBZ was and of course that goes for almost every show. I think about the kind of complex writing I do and that video made me feel as if I myself may actually be a puppet pushing a negative agenda on readers. It seems like you can't come up with an original idea or fantasy storyline without it being some kind of conspiracy. After watching that video, I lost sight of what's real and what's not. Unfortunately I have a very impressionable mind so this video effected me pretty deep. It was almost the same as when I had a deep discussion with my mother and she indirectly told me I was wrong, the person I am, and my views on life weren't important. That shook me to my core that my own mother said that................................... I don't know if my stories are really mine anymore or if I'm just a mind controlled puppet telling giving messages that I see as positive but may one day hurt people who enjoy them. I don't even know if I want to write anymore. It's been my passion for 9 years but after this video, I don't think I can ever look at my stories or myself the same again..
October 5th, 2017 at 03:07am