Last night was very emotional.

Last night was my friends birthday party, so much drama.
Not only was Cassie flirting with Amanda and Maria's boyfriend, but I found out one of my really good friends has heroin and is planning to inject it.

He has always been like "I wanna try heroin, just once. Then stop."
So far, he smokes and does weed.
He has always told me: "I'm quiting smoking." "I'm quiting weed." "I'm just gonna do weed."
And it pisses me off that he always lies to me.

One of my other friend's is in love with him, they have gone out 7 or 8 times.
He doesn't believe her that she loves him lots.
and for her birthday party [today]. We talked about it and I said I was going to get a bucket of heroin to her [joke.]
Yesterday I was like "I'm getting you a bucket of heroin"
and she looked really sad, and said no.
Then I found out about the heroin thingy.

She was crying. "What if he over doses. I am not ready to go to his funeral."

Then, when she got better.
Me, her and Jessica were in Amanda's room.

Me and Jessica were talking about our parents. [my dad, her mom; deceased]
Me and Jess got very emotional and started crying.

Then later three of my friends went for a walk, and smoked some weed.
They were crazy >.<

but yeah, I'm still really emotional.

God Damn, that girl's a train wreck.
October 21st, 2007 at 11:46pm