October Recommendation Blog

Hello all! Welcome to my October recc blog! Here you can find my stories, poems, an users of choice for the month. This blog also is finishing off the treats to my candy bowl. Let's get started!

User Reccs:

-I love talking to her on the forums, and she is super funny.

-An extremely talented writer, and I love her tumblr posts.

-For being an incredible beautiful and spooky girl!

Story Reccs:

- “My German is nicht so gut. What does it mean?”
“Arbeit macht frei? Work makes you free.”

Soul Meets Body
- I knew Jensen like the back of my hand. I knew he liked pizza and football. I knew he hated romantic movies because he had a soft spot for them and thought it was 'uncool' to cry. And I knew, more than anything, that he hated coming home to his aging parents without a woman on his arm.

What Happened to Tink?
- A few weeks after Wendy left Neverland, Captain Hook met a sea witch and struck a deal. Suddenly, Tinker Bell is thrust into a world she doesn't understand and she can't remember who she is.

Poem Reccs:

Alive by Nereid

Next Episode by Don.Cabrera

I'm Bipolar by Lady Phantomhive

I didn't do as much reading this month, so I apoligze that the recc list is a bit short. Hope you guys enjoy the reads like I did. And give the recc Mibbians some love!
October 20th, 2017 at 09:43pm