Future Movies

Okay, so there is one movie I truly love that is getting the whole remake treatment. It's planned release is 2009. It's the Alfred Hitchcock classic "The Birds". If you think that's sad enough, it's being produced by... MICHAEL BAY!!!. *cries in a corner*

Okay, so what was "The Birds" ? It was one of Hitchcock's most innovative films. It never had a soundtrack/score and never had an actual ending. It built up suspense and tension, and made people fear birds (a lot like "Jaws" making people afraid of sharks). What has Michael Bay worked on? Well, his filmography includes:
-Bad Boys
...*sigh*...I can't mention anymore *cries some more*.

Michael Bay + "The Birds" = 100 minutes of birds flying around blowing up for no apparent reason with lots of slow motion scenes.

Moving on...

"In March 2002, 20th Century Fox acquired feature film rights to the Dragon Ball franchise.[3] In June 2004, Variety reported that 20th Century Fox hired screenwriter Ben Ramsey for $500,000 to adapt a screenplay for Dragon Ball Z,[4] but the official Dragon Ball Z site reported the news as unconfirmed.[5] In September 2007, the Montreal Gazette reported that Dragon Ball Z would be filmed in Montreal in the coming year with a budget of over $100 million,[6] but the studio informed IGN that the report was not confirmed as start dates and locations for the project had not been finalized.[7]"

The only way I wanna see a live action DBZ movie is if Akira Toriyama is given 100% creative control and the movie is shot entirely in studio with completely CGI settings (like "Sin City", except Toriyama's art style instead of Frank Miller's).

I first heard about this movie 5 years ago, and nothing has happened yet. So who knows, the movie may not ever be made. But I do want to see it done. Just done right. I've been a Dragon Ball fanatic for 7+ years and to be able to see it in live action on the big screen will make my head explode due to the sheer amount of awesomeness it could be.


Upcoming sequels I am NOT looking forward to:
-Ghost Rider 2 (First one was awful.)
-Shrek 4 (The series ran out of ideas with the third installment. Just kill it now.)
-Spider-Man 4 (Please don't do this Raimi. Make Evil Dead 4 instead.)
-The Incredible Hulk (The original was really bad.)
-Scary Movie 5 (Only the first one was watchable. Then they just for worse...and worse...)

Upcoming sequels I AM looking forward to:
-Toy Story 3 (The first 2 were amazing. This one is giving me doubts, but it has Tom Hanks and Tim Allen returning so I'll give it a fair chance.)
-Harry Potter 6 and 7 (Sure, the movies are not faithful to the books, but they're good and enjoyable in their own right. I'm not ashamed to say I've liked all 5 movies so far. Especially Azkaban.)
-Sin City 2 and 3 (Self-explanatory.)
-Mortal Kombat: Devastation (I've wanted this to be made since I first heard about it...5-6 years ago. It deserves to be made dammit!)
-The Dark Knight (Go Joker!)
-Star Trek XI (I haven't even seen the first 10. I just wanna watch this cause it's Star Trek...what's not to like?)
-28 Months Later (First one was great, second one was fairly. Hopefully this one will be decent.)

Well, hope you enjoyed my first journal entry on Mibba. More to come soon.
October 22nd, 2007 at 02:43am