Goals in November

Okay so normally I would be giving NaNo a crack at this point and time, however this year I have chosen not to. Instead I am going to try and keep up to date with all my role-plays that I have lagged behind in due to a busy schedule.

So to all my peeps I have role play's with I will be getting onto those replies soon.

As well as that I have tried to set up some sort if rewards system for my writing. Due to not writing in so long I knew I needed to find a way to make me get back into writing and this is the way I have decided to go with.

I have bought myself the first season of Riverdale.


I can only watch an episode every time I write 500 words. Now 500 words may not seem like a lot but when you haven't been writing 500 can be a task in itself. However I will admit it has been working and so far I get to watch 2 episodes.

Woo go me!

I kinda wanna get to five episodes then I can at least watch a disc without stopping... but we shall see especially since I have been told Riverdale is addictive so we shall see how we go?

Uh.... No idea if this is a hundred words.

Does anyone else have like a rewards system for when they do their writing?
Does anyone else like Riverdale?

I think that will be all
Esther :)
November 2nd, 2017 at 11:04pm