Slumpy-Slump Days...

Hello Mibba. A bit ranty today.

So here I go again with one of those emotional slumps I get into. I hate it; I have a shit-ton of shit I need to get done in my life and all I can think of doing is going back into bed and hibernating for... idk, 100 years sound like a good place to start.


Okay, I am being a bit dramatic here. Sue me.

The part I am not exaggerating is the excessive fatigue--- I am physically, mentally and emotionally running on empty. What's really annoying is that when I try to lay down and sleep at night, my mind is on high alert. And wasting time thinking of things like:

Today was shit, therefore I am shit.
What the fuck am I doing with my life?
Who am I anyway? Who the fuck do I think I am??
What did I get done today? Oh right, nothing. Stupid.
The world sucks. No, people suck. I suck.
What a waaaaaaste of space. woohoo.
You know what would be cool, if I fall asleep and just stay asleep.
I want to cry and not cry and laugh and scream at the same time.
FUCK i gotta get it together.

It is literally a never ending shitstorm in this brain of mine and I can't sleep. And then I get up in the morning like

During the day I am just too drained, I have no motivation or inspiration. And when i go out for errands, interacting with people is such a chore. This sounds shitty I know, but I am an introvert as is, but when I am in these slumpfests, I am like:

ugh... Imma gonna go into bed
Sorry for the shitty rant blog here. and for swearing a lot. My bad
November 3rd, 2017 at 03:33am