Off to a Late Start for NaNoWriMo

I am so backed up on things for Mibba that it isn't funny. I still have some treats to hand out from my candy bowl for Mibbaween (I haven't forgotten about those of you that I haven't gotten to! I'm so sorry for the delay!) and I also still have to get around to judging my Monster Mash contest, which was supposed to be done on Halloween night.

Things got really crazy in my life about two weeks ago, and since then I haven't really been on Mibba as much as I would have liked to be. The hotel I work at is completely sold out until Thanksgiving, and has been sold out the last two weeks as well. That means I'm averaging cleaning and attending to at least 200 rooms a week, which is a lot of rooms. I've been doing 21 rooms a day for the past week, and it's really been getting to me. My boss went back on her word to give me the weekends in November off because four of the other housekeepers vehemently refuse to work any weekends - which isn't fair, and I've told her as much. I told her that if she keeps making me work every single weekend, she'll either need to start working them herself or hire people that will work weekends and fire the riff raff who think they're better than me and the two other ladies that always have to work every Saturday and Sunday. She said that it's a problem that's already being addressed, but I want her to actually back that up this time. These women have been getting away with this for the last four months since they've been hired - I've never worked a job where I had to work literally every weekend for four months in a row, and I won't continue to do so. I need weekends just like everyone else does.

On top of all that, I got a really bad bout of food poisoning from McDonald's, and that left me really ill for about three days. I really never eat there, but my boyfriend was hungry while we were waiting at Wal-Mart for the line to die down, and he wanted to get a bit of food there. I was too tired to argue and honestly I was hungry too, and I figured one time wouldn't hurt so I ordered a burger while he got a couple of things off the menu. The burger didn't taste good so I only ate a couple of bites, but by the next morning I was sick to my stomach and throwing up every thirty to forty minutes. I couldn't keep any food down, I was dizzy and light headed, it was just awful. I still had to attend my boyfriend's nephew's second birthday party because I had promised I'd be there, and food poisoning isn't contagious. The day of the party was the third day of being ill so I wasn't throwing up as much by then. We got him a toy that he absolutely loved - actually, when he opened it he was so excited that he started shaking. It was totally adorable. I didn't eat much or socialize with most of the people at the party and they understood for the most part. I talked a lot to his sister's mother in law, Lynne - she's a sweet woman, and my boyfriend and I have learned a lot from her and her husband, Guy, on how to make our own relationship a lasting and healthy one.

Speaking of relationships, his brother got engaged over Halloween and wants the both of us to be in the wedding. It's still a year or more off, and the bride to be hasn't decided where she wants the wedding to be but we're pretty excited about it. It got him talking about our own future and he sees us married by five years into our relationship because he doesn't want to wait as long as his brother did to get engaged.

That leads me to writing. I still haven't started NaNoWriMo yet, and it's a whole week into November practically. I have a lot of making up to do if I'm going to make it to the goal. I have a rough idea and I think I'm going to try to make a banner and a layout tonight and tomorrow, and maybe start writing on Tuesday after work if I don't start beforehand.
November 6th, 2017 at 05:17am