But That's Just a Theory.

A game theory. Nyuk. What? It's funny, right? No? Never in a million years?

Dang. To think I took those comedy classes for nothing.


My apologies in advance for this terrible GIF/emotion dump of a blog.

Bad jokes and click bait aside hey, don't judge me, I have a real problem with theories right now. Particularly the theory that I'm not going to make a complete fool of myself in front of the owners of my work when they do our store visit tomorrow.

Seriously. I'm the newest team member, half the time I forget what was said to me two seconds ago. And I just.

I'm freaking out, man.

I know when tomorrow hits, I'm gonna look like this:



But feel like this:



I'm trying really hard to get to sleep, but my head really hurts and I keep thinking about it and AHHHHHH.


Sure it will, Tatara.

I really hope I don't feel this crappy tomorrow. Of course, getting sleep tonight will have a lot to do with that.


Anyway, I'm done being ridiculous. I hope you all are having a good day/night!
November 9th, 2017 at 06:20am