Purchase My New Book of Poems, 'Ink Thoughts', Now!

Hey all! I can't even remember the last time I posted a blog on this site, but I figured now was as good a time as any to fix that. Now, I haven't exactly been active on this site for a while, but for a good reason. I've been working for the past couple months on getting some of my poems together and last month everything was finally ready. You guessed it! I SELF-PUBLISHED MY VERY FIRST BOOK OF POEMS!

I heard of the website, lulu.com, from a friend on Facebook and immediately was intrigued and looked into it. Before I knew it, I was typing up all of my poems (a whopping amount of 50-something) and getting them all together. I also was able to download a picture of a piece of artwork I'd created only a few weeks prior to my publishing and use that as the front cover.

So, what I guess I'm getting to here is, if you'd like you can now purchase the book! It's $16.50, paperback, 6x9, and 64 pages long. It'd be very, very much appreciated if you purchased the book (though I do understand that not everyone likes poetry and not everyone has the money to just splurge on some random girls' book) but if you don't want to purchase the book for yourself, make sure to spread the word and tell all your friends! (Or even buy the book for them as a gift, if you'd like!)

Thank you so much for reading! I'll post the link to the book down below so you can give it a look-see if you so choose.

Love, Cheyanne xx

Ink Thoughts
November 15th, 2017 at 06:58am