A Case of the Blahs.

Listening to: URAGIRI NO YUUYAKE covered by PelleK. Because yasssss gurl.
Drinking: Same as always. My veins run freely with just straight Pepsi Max, I'm convinced.
Working on: A present for a friend maybe, if it's worthy enough and Yatagarasu.
Feeling: Like writing smut is a big undertaking. This chapter still isn't good. I don't feel anything. Back to the drawing board.


How are you guys today? I hope you're doing well. I'm feeling strangely out of it.

My brain is tired, but not tired enough to sleep. I feel like I'll probably be up all night tonight, so I'm hoping I get inspired here soon. If not, I might just binge watch something new. Or old, I'm not opposed to that either.

Honestly I hate when I feel like this. I'd rather just feel exhausted then blah. There's really no reason for me to feel like this either.

But I do, so here I am. I'm hoping it will pass soon, because honestly it's bit helping my inspiration. Which it sometimes does if I'm writing a sadder story. It's just weighing on me.

Oh well. I guess dwelling on it doesn't help, so let's move on.


I called the dog warden today, and he said he would stop out tomorrow and see about the situation. I should mention that the dog charged into my yard without a leash again and this time it was the wife who was outside with him.

She told my husband she didn't seem him or our dogs. Which is cool, whatever.

But if you know your dog's going to bolt, since he's done it numerous times now, why wouldn't you hold his collar just to be sure until you hook him up?

It's not that hard. Oh well. We'll see how this visit goes.


I'm off to see what I can do to pep myself up.

Stay awesome, Mibba!
November 29th, 2017 at 05:00am