Writers Block/ Recc?

It’s been a while since I last blogged, and I hope this finds you well.

I’ve finished uni for the year and decided against the idea of Summer school. My partner vehemently advised me against the idea of me volunteering myself to more suffering, lol. Although, I’m still working till who knows when so now I’m trying to get back into reading and writing again. I mean, now I can read and write to my heart’s content minus ignoring the guilt of knowing I should be studying.

Alas! I have the time, however, I no longer have the will! To write, that is.

I wrote a new story, it’s close to my heart. It’s this one . I’ve written the first chapter, and I’m already stuck on the second. Helppp.

Otherwise, I have another story, this annoying one and I’m trying to get the words out of my head. I’ve been developing that story for a few years and I’ve gotten everything ready, but I just can’t write it out. Helppppp.

So, I have a few questions:

1. Any stories you’d like to recommend? If I can’t write, I’ll read, haha.
2. How do you defeat Writer’s Block?
3. How are you today?
December 4th, 2017 at 05:27am