I Almost Walked Out of Work + Hand Issues/Pain

So yesterday I almost walked out and quit my job yesterday. The only thing that stopped me was not screwing over my other coworker who was closing with me(which I ended up doing anyway because I left early). I still need this job, and walking out never looks good when you are job hunting.

So what happened? My lazy pain in the a** coworker happened. He opened the dish room today, and I swear he didn't do sh*t. The dishes were overflowing in the dish room when I came in. Almost stacked to the ceiling some piles(no I'm not exaggerating). I was so mad. Then this coworker left for an hour lunch(you only get a half hour meal break), and then left for another 25 minute break(breaks are only suppose to be 15 minutes, and you only get two). So he didn't help me. I was so f*cking screwed for the night because of him. No matter what I did, I couldn't catch up.

But the lack of work ethic isn't the only thing that bothers me about this person. How he treats his fellow coworkers is extremely disturbing. He has already yelled at me, and threatened my job. He also has cursed out my other coworkers.

So instead of walking out(I wanted to sooo bad), my coworker and I went down to HR to report him. I feel like the HR lady was very nice, listened to our concerns and gave us good feedback. She said she was going to work on/investigate immediately. So hopefully this kid gets his a** in gear and starts to do sh*t.

I ended up leaving work early because of my hand. A few weeks ago I fell and hyper extended my wrist. I was suppose to do a follow up, but I never did. look where that got me. I was picking up a stack of trays and my hand just completely gave out on me. I couldn't move it, and the pain was unbearable. I can't do my job with one hand, so I got sent home. I'm going to urgent care today. Hopefully my hand isn't too f*cked up.

Wish me luck guys! And have a great day.
December 6th, 2017 at 03:16pm