Once A Day Blog 33: A Quick Happy Holiday to You All

I'd just like to say Merry Christmas to all of you. You are all wonderful people no matter what anyone says about you. You don't have to be religious to celebrate this holiday or any other holiday of course because holidays are nothing more than a reminder of something important. The spirit of every holiday isn't defined by religious outlook. Understand and remember what makes every holiday special. Don't turn away from a holiday if you feel you can experience something positive from it. Everyday should be about being together with the people you love, sharing experiences, and giving the gift of joy, however, how many of us actually do that without the need of a specific labeled day to do it? Hope this finds you all in great health.

And Happy Holidays to everyone out there who struggles with liking the holidays especially Christmas. Last year I never heard so many negative comments about Christmas before. That's one thing I don't understand is how someone can literally hate holidays that can offer so much joy. Halloween is probably the only holiday I know of that never gets negative comments. I was reading Halloween posts and blogs in April all the way to October, but people get fussy when Christmas is mentioned in early November. I hope you all find peace and enjoy these wonderful holidays- Christmas and Valentine's day. Enjoy them for what they are; not for what you expect out of them, cause expectations are the main recipe for disappointment. Happy Holidays and hope you have a wonderful day. :)
December 17th, 2017 at 04:10am