Food for thought.

First of all, to you who reads this, happy new year.

I have to say, one thing really surprised me. I've been reading quite a few blogs lately, and most of them were new year content.
One thing caught my eye in I have to say, almost all of them.
That is how much we strive for change and belonging somewhere, anywhere.

Many writers behind those blogs, you can see, are not happy, some tried to make a change and failed while some did change but it didn't have the happy end they deserved.
On the other hand, probably the most fascinating of all is that none of them gave up.
Sometimes I wish I could reach out to anyone struggling, of course I'm no saint nor even close to being perfect, but I find that all the more reason I wish to reach out to them, you.

(One of the reasons I wish to write is so I might help someone, as it once helped me.)

Only (in my head) smart thing I can say is...
Do what you love, no matter how silly it might seem or a small thing it might be, for example:
Drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette while chill music plays in the background.
Reading a manga of my most favorite author.
Watching anime, series that are dear to me.
Going for some drinks with a few of my buddies and laughing recklessly.

Last thing of this inner monologue.
This is something I want to stress.
Never give up is something we all heard countless times.
What I like to say is, yes, give up.
When you do pick yourself up, and go at it again like a crazy human you are, if you stumble and fall again, that's perfectly fine.

Just don't forget to stand up again.

Happy new year once again.

January 2nd, 2018 at 04:07am