Once a Day Blog 38: Send Me Recommendations for Story Ideas and I'll Write Them

I would like to challenge myself and write a short story on any idea given to me by one of you. Just tell me a quick idea of what kind of story or subject you'd like me to write about in the comments and I'll choose from one of them which one I'll write. :) Can't wait to see what you guys recommend me. Have a beautiful night and thanks for reading.

By the way if you recommend me an idea for a fan fiction, I'm very limited on what I'd do. I'm currently thinking of writing a fan fiction for the series Heroes Reborn. Maybe I'll do a fan fiction for Death Note or Dragon Ball. Which bad news... Dragon Ball Super was cut short and will be taken off the air after episode 130-139. I assume after the Tournament of Power ends... I can also do the movie Dawn of the Dead... And also I think it would be fun writing an inFamous fan fiction based after the evil ending of inFamous 2.
January 20th, 2018 at 06:41am