My Titles Suck and Im Having Money Struggles

First off, let me just say that it sucks not having a job. Right now, I am a stay at home mom which is an amazing thing that I get to do but it also means if I need something, like shampoo, I have to ask for it. I hate that, I will literally avoid it at all costs, I even use my half of the income tax to stock up on things I might need throughout the year just so I don’t have to ask my boyfriend for things. I’m not saying he has a problem buying things for me because he doesn’t, he often gets on my case about not asking for things when I need them. Anyway, I’m hopefully going to start working soon, I’ve been applying everywhere, but nobody likes me lol

I have a story that I’m writing and I think it’s going to be really good. It’s about a young couple who are learning how to cope with Sabrina’s (the girlfriend) mental illness (bipolar disorder). It’s a very personal story as I have bipolar disorder, I go through weeks of being normal and okay to suddenly waking up one day with like this dark cloud filled with hateful thoughts and it will stay with me for months before I finally burst on my boyfriend. Literally, that’s what is happening in the story and the couple must figure out if it’s better to stay with each other or leave.

Sounds awesome right? Well it would be if I could think of a good title. Right now I have it titled Poisonous Love and I just.. ugh gag me with a spoon! It’s so cliche. I want a beautiful title, one that brings a reader to the summary page, you know? But I’m terrible with titles. Anyone have any suggestions?

Also, this is from my phone so if there’s a mistake in the blog it will take me a moment to catch it! Thanks guys!
January 30th, 2018 at 11:16pm