Penn Foster College

Okay, so one of my resolutions for this year was to finally complete my associate's degree. Easier said than done, considering Community College #1 I practically flunked out of and Community College #2 I owe money to. You see, I started to get the hang of this college thing last Spring at #2, even was on honors again. I didn't realize that this college would throw my account into a collections agency if I didn't pay them after 30 days, so that's where I'm at with them. $1,300 in the hole, to be exact. I either have to pay the college in full or pay about $400 for 3 months to the agency, which I don't have.

I come to my last resort option, or Penn Foster. I did a lot of research on this college, because I'm iffy whenever a program is considered a "work at your own pace" college. That sounds like a diploma mill to me. But my research has made it clear they're a viable college, and the college I'm looking at after them has accepted work from them in the past.

So day #1 of classes and it's honestly going good. I'm in the veterinary technician program, even though I've thought about changing it since I'm already a veterinary technician and it's not required in my state to be certified. But so far I'm satisfied.
February 8th, 2018 at 11:45pm