In Which Alex Binge Watches Sons of Anarchy

Something that is no surprise to me but of little knowledge to you is that my boyfriend freaking loves the show Sons of Anarchy. He binged it from season 1 to season 6 and watched all of season 7 week to week, which is something he almost never does.

It’s been two years since we first started dating and in that time, I never watched SoA. I’m not good with show recommendations, for whatever reason. I assume it’s the same reason I love to read but never read any of the books required for school. (Don’t ask me how I passed; I don’t know.)

A better example would be my best friend telling me for nearly eight years to watch Dexter. Guess who hasn’t seen even a tiny bit of Dexter?

Maybe it’s the fear that something my friends enjoy doesn’t interest me.

Anyway about a week ago or so Daniel and I started watching SoA and I’m obsessed. It’s amazing. I sit on the edge of my seat at cliffhangers. I think about it at work. I dream about it kind of.

So what’s the logical conclusion for me?


I’ve been thinking about it nonstop. But not like, fanfictiony fanfiction with characters from the show and stuff. Just a story kind of similar but mostly not.

But I think about it so much. Idk how I’d do it and what I would do with it. I love this show so much though, and it’s so well written. I wish I could put what I’m thinking into words and have it come out this good.

Please can I?
February 19th, 2018 at 11:18am