30 Day Anime Blog Challenge: Day Nine

Music: Panic Room || Au/Ra.
Working on: This because I woke up this morning and said to myself "Gatsby, you have like 10 WIPs going on right now, you need to knuckle down and knock those out" and in the next moment I remembered a lovely piece of writing that had been shared with me and I thought to myself "What if Hoseok was a merman?" and anyway here I am.
Feeling: Still really exhausted, but I have to make it through so that I can watch the new HTR.


Mibba! 'Sups? How is everyone on this lovely Friday? Doing well, I hope! If not, know that I think you're all absolutely stunning and wonderful.



ALRIGHT, WHO'S READY TO JUMP RIGHT INTO SOME NONSENSE? NO ONE? EVERYONE? Well you won't be disappointed either way, because it's me so you already know where this is going.

Day 9: Best Anime Villian.

Oh man, that's an easy one. Pffffttt, I thought this was going to be hard for once, I mean. Obviously that title goes to this guy:


I'm kidding.
I 'm k i dding.
I kid.

I just couldn't resist the opportunity, honestly. Though, riddle me this, aside from the obvious the demon duo, is there really a villain in BSD? Help me out, because I'm always inclined to say no. Legitimately their worst enemy is their own crippling lonelinesses and sense of codependency and general feelings of disconnection.

Save all these damn orphans, how many children are you allowed to adopt?


Anyway, back to the question at hand, my true answer is this:

Yashiro Gaku




From Erased/Boku dake ga Inai Machi. AND THIS FREAKING DUDE. I was sitting here, considering who has made me feel the most angry, the most disgusted, the one who I wanted to strangle with my bare hands, whose name doesn't start with an I and end with an A, and it dawned on me that it just has to be him.


Murdering children, getting close to them, being their teacher, acting like he's their friend, and having a big, over-arching obsession. Ew, just ew. And I didn't feel sorry for him at any point along the story, not even at the end.

I felt like the show did a really good job of deflecting from him and keeping his involvement fairly under wraps, all things considered. There were definitely a few times he had me fooled, which is another reason why he had to be my number one.


Also, if you haven't seen Erased yet, either the anime or the live action adaptation (which is on Netflix), I'd highly recommend it. I'd say it's at least in my top fifteen, if not my top ten.


Anywhosies, I'm off to eat and try to forget about the fact that at the same Target I saw a car with a bumpersticker that read "Welcome to America, now speak ENGLISH" and encountered a man who used "you look like a girl" as an insult toward his 7/8ish-year-old son.



I am not even kidding you, my mind instantly went to the fact that I have a knife blade in my car for work when I saw the bumpersticker and I set down my basket and stood there staring at the dude, three seconds away from declaring him to get ready to catch, because I was throwing these hands.


But I didn't, I contained my rage, I'm proud of me.


So, yeah. That's been my day/night so far. I hope you guys' are going well, and I hope they become lovely things, if they aren't.
March 10th, 2018 at 02:18am