Entry #1

March 2, 2018
It is gone. All gone
Nobody anticipated the collapse of our own solar system, Even the scientists this generation came to rely on so heavily.
I watched as my own planet turned into nothing but chunks of rock containing millions of years of history.
Witnessing this was really eye-opening for me. When I agreed to become immortal, I never even considered this consequence. Even if I knew where the end would be, there is not a doubt in my mind that I would choose the same path again.
I witnessed the rise and fall of Egypt. Godlike figures turn to dust.
All gone
Well, I suppose it is not all gone, I still remember Earth fairly well.
I guess I should look on the bright side, this is a new era for me. I will be the only human to determine if there is anyone else on the outskirts of this endless void. I will be the ambassador of an extinct species.
I guess I will have forever to think about it.

-I will be putting entries directly from my notebook complete with the date I wrote them, this is the first page.-
-My age is messed up for some reason on my profile but I'm too lazy to correct it-
-I take criticism-

March 11th, 2018 at 07:15pm