Entry #2

March 2, 2018
'Why do they always give up so easily?' I wonder as I choke the remaining air from her lungs. 'At least give me some entertainment.'
I sigh and proceed with the cleanup. The latex gloves make my hands feel dusty but I can't risk leaving any fingerprints.
After twenty minutes of clean up, I sit cross-legged across from my victim studying the unnatural angles their limbs lay.
'How should I dispose of it?' I ponder rubbing my bloodshot eyes, ' There are many ways. Dismemberment, burning, a shallow grave...' I close my eyes, rubbing my temples to come up with the perfect plan. After minutes of deafening silence, a lightbulb seemed to go off in my head. " The river!" I whisper, not wanting to draw attention to myself, "Why hadn't I thought of it before?" I scramble to my feet and grin. The police had previously checked the river for my other victims so I doubt they would check again so soon.
Once I hauled the body into the back of my truck, I was off. I went past twisted trees and winding roads. It took a half an hour to get there but boy, was the view worth it.
Even in the pitch black of midnight, I could see the sparkles that glittered on the rushing waters. With this current, I wouldn't be surprised if the body was carried down ten miles.
I unzipped the body bag to come face to face with the unblinking stare of the corpse. "don't give me that look," I scolded, "It was nothing personal."
Dragging the body to the water's edge was no simple task, I had to make sure nothing was left behind. I was just about to push the corpse over the side when I saw it, A figure all dressed in black on the opposite side of the river. They seemed to be dragging a bag to the river and having a bit of trouble too.
The rush of the water made it hard to concentrate on the figure but I could see its head scanning the area, and land on my partially hidden truck. I could see their body tense up, but they didn't seem to notice me.
I was considering just getting rid of the person until I noticed the kind of bag he was struggling with, a body bag.
At that moment, the figures head turned in my direction and focused in my general direction. He had noticed me.
At the angle his head was in, the pale moonlight revealed his face and his bloody clothing. Light reflected off of his face to show tears silently falling. I concluded that whoever was in that bag had been his first victim, and we had caught each other red-handed.
Suddenly a thought crosses my mind, a sporadic thought, but an idea just the same.
I stand up and wave,
he will be my apprentice.

- Keep in mind these are just snippets of multiple stories. If you have a request for me continuing a story let me know an I will consider it-

March 11th, 2018 at 07:52pm