30 Day Anime Blog Challenge: Days 26-28

Music: (Fxxx a) Silver Lining || Panic! At the Disco
Eating: Some tasty trail mix.
Drinking: PEPSI, MAYNE.
Feeling: Like I'm probably not going to be able to get through the rest of Burn the Stage, considering the first episode had me in tears toward the end already????? LIKE.

I'M! DECEASED! IN! A! PUDDLE! OF! TEARS! BECAUSE! THEM, THEY, WHY????? If you were diligent enough to actually check all of those links, you're a saint.


I already told everyone to unfollow me on Tumblr because it's about to get real redundant up in there.




I hope you're all doing really well. I hope that the writing deities have blessed you with inspiration lately, and if not, I hope that they grant you all that you need in the near future. I believe in you.



Okay, we out here for a reason, let's start getting down to it, shall we?

Day Twenty-Six: Best anime fight.

Pretty sure I covered quite a few favorites, and honestly it's hard to say which one is my most favorite, but if I said that I wasn't there for

Yato V Rabo





I'd be freakin' lyin'. I mean, c'mon, how could I not? Honestly this challenge had far less Noragami than I anticipated? And I'm kind of disappointed in myself, really. But this fight was one of those that just... got me? I mean, I totally blame Yato, he knows I gotta weakness for him deep in my stone cold heart, and he plays it up because he knows, stupid wandering stray god.


Yato V Bishamon is also always v fantastic, but if I put that in too we'd be here all day. Lemme just emphasize Noragami fight scenes, because yes. Just yes.

Alright, this next one is kinda related, so I'm legit just going to use the above scene for it, partly because I'm lazy but also partly because it's a decent chance to talk about character development.

Day Twenty-Seven: The most badass scene from any anime character.

Righty-ho then, as I said, this is gonna be a repeat, we taking it back to the above with

Yato V Rabo.





What I particularly loved about Noragami was the way it introduced its characters, particularly Yato, and I really enjoyed the air of mystery it kept around him while also making you care about him generally and wanting to learn more about him just like the other characters did.

There is always this sense of fear and doubt, these moments in which you're on the edge of your seat, thinking you're going to hate him, because holy hECK YABOKU, IF YOU'RE PLAYING EVERYONE I WILL REACH IN THERE AND REND YOU MYSELF, I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE A GOD, I'LL DO IT DON'T TEST ME.

What was so great about seeing Yato interact with Rabo was not just the animation itself, but getting to learn more about him, how dark of a past he truly does have, but seeing that he really is trying to push for improvement, all in all.

Y'all, I just imagined Yato and Dazai in the same room again, save me from myself and also from this throbbing headache. Why.


Okay that's enough of my GIF fest, hello yes I am Noragami trash still in this, the year of our lord 2018.


Getting away from Noragami for a sec and hopping right back onto this bias train that I have a permanent ticket on, it's time for:

Day Twenty-Eight; Favorite quote from any anime character.

Bungou Stray Dogs is full of great ones, ones that really slapped me in the face, ones that I think of when times are stuff, ones that make me smile, but there's one that's particularly important to me, and it happens to be:

Dazai's words to Atsushi about self pity.


I couldn't find a GIF version of this quote, although I know I've seen them. So, watching this scene animated A.) shocked and infuriated the heck out of me, and B.) really spoke to me after I calmed down enough to let it sink in.

What really struck me about it, though, is that I think Dazai holds a lot of self pity. If you ask me, he feels wronged, he has let it fester despite himself and there isn't a day that he doesn't look at the dark parts of his life, and even the light ones, and feel sorry for himself.

But he's still out here, giving this advice because it's advice that he is still trying to take, he's still trying to push, for all he talks about suicide he could just do it. The man isn't immortal. And yet he remains, he goes about day to day, and though he may pity himself in his darkest moments, he tries his hardest not to on a daily basis, and that was a really important sentiment for me.

It's okay to feel bad. To have moments. We are all painfully human. But when we let ourselves dwell on these things, we fall into holes that we'll never be able to lift ourselves out of, and everything becomes a vicious cycle. And that was just what I needed to hear, and still do.

It's a reminder to push through. To continue to strive to see the sun.



Okie dokie, that was a long and arduous journey and for those of you who hung around for it, you rock and I love you very much. I'm going to go try to update something, since we are in the last few days of March.

I hope you all have had wonderful days so far and have fantastic nights, because you are all beautiful and lovely and deserve it.


Yes you. You're all worthy, never forget that.
March 29th, 2018 at 12:17am