Work In Progress.

I've started working on something. It's a poetry collection and I'm titling it Work in Progress because I feel like it's fitting to how I feel about myself. I just got out of the hospital yesterday because my anxiety and thoughts about suicide were so strong. I'm not completely 100% yet, but I'm hoping to get there soon.

I'm really excited about the writing projects I am working on, though. There is this poetry collection (I've wanted to put together a poetry collection for so long) and my story Safety Net that I am so excited to immerse myself in.

Right now I am just collecting poems that I have already written that I actually like. I'm being pretty choosy. There's a lot of poems that I really don't like looking back.

I'm hoping that things continue to go up hill and I love you all and hope that you're doing well. I'm gonna continue to try my best and hope for the best in return.

I don't trust my own mind quite yet. It keeps trying to trick me.


I've been watching a lot of Pretty Little Liars. At this point, after rewatching the show once or twice, the characters really feel like old friends and I love that. I really relate to Spencer and her ability to stress over everything. I felt like that is what my anxiety was doing to me. I know that things are not going to immediately improve.

But in the words of Miss Spencer Hastings:

April 13th, 2018 at 08:30pm