Hospital Blues + Diet Advice/Help

So I have been MIA for a good bit now. I have had major health problems going on. April 18 I got really sick. I was throwing up constantly. I could keep nothing down no matter what. The following day, same symptoms and I threw up blood.

Freaking out, I called off of work and went in to the stomach doctor. He gave me some meds to hold me over for the weekend. He then scheduled an emergency endoscopy procedure to take a look at my stomach for Monday.

Well over the weekend it was AWFUL. The medicine did not help, and I still couldn't keep anything down. I should of went to the hospital, but I toughed it out, and went in for my procedure. They found gastritis, too much acid in my stomach, and my stomach lining was incredibly inflamed. They gave me some IV fluids to hydrate me, then I went home with a game plan to help me get better.

Well, things still did not get better. So my mom took me to the hospital. I wan in the ER for a few hours, and then I was admitted to the hospital. I was in the hospital from Monday(April 23) to Saturday(April 28). And let me tell you, that was not a pleasant experience. I am still bruised up from all the needles I got stabbed with all week. And boy, was I glad to get out Saturday. IT WAS SO BORING THERE AND IT WAS DRIVING ME CRAZY!

I went back to work Monday. My mom thinks I went back too early, but I'm honestly glad to be back. Work was super understanding, which was good.

So here is the part I need help on...

I am on this incredibly strict diet. I am on it until May 24(follow up appointment is that day). I don't have many ideas on what I can eat. I feel like I'm eating the same three things oll the time. I was wondering if any of you could give me some meal ideas/food ideas to help me get through this?

Here is my diet restrictions:

Low Fiber- No wheat, no oatmeal, no fruits, take it light on the grains, and no salads/lettuce.
Low Cholesterol/Low Fat- No junk food, fast food, no fatty meats, and no butter.
No lactose- No milk, no dairy, no yogurt, no pudding, no ice cream, ext.

I can eat white rice, white bread, plain bagels, and fish.

I would really appreciate it if you guys can give me some food suggestions, because I feel like I can't eat anything really right now.
May 5th, 2018 at 05:16pm