Writing a Book and an Update

I haven't been on here in about ten million years it seems but I wanted to announce that I'M WRITING A BOOK. It's non-fiction stories of my life. Working title is "Chin Up, Kid: Stories of Depression and Anxiety in my Adolescence" and I'm really excited. I already have about eight chapters written and I'm excited to see where it's going to go.

Like I said, I haven't been on here in forever. Well, I'm almost 22 now and I joined this website at (I think) 13 or 14. I'm still All Time Low trash, but I write more on tumblr and wattpad (as well as ao3) now. I'm doing okay, I have a job and my days off are spent working on my book and looking after my nieces (ages 5 and 7). How are you guys? What are you up to now?
May 12th, 2018 at 07:00am