A New Wave of Life For Me

I feel as though I have a lot to offer the world and even if this method doesn't work, I'm not gonna give up trying. I wish to make a series that's similar to Marvel or DC but I want to make it my own. I want to make my own universe of super heroes. I don't want it to be cliche or generic; I want to completely make it my own. Between Detroit: Become Human, Avengers, Deadpool, and just the DC movie series, I wish to start pursuing my dream of creative a superhero universe. I really hope for your support and I'm going to be looking for multiple writing sites to post these stories because of how important they will be to me. Each character will come from a different background and will have their own unique story and reality to them and I will do my best to give them each their own atmosphere. I'm hoping to write each character from a different point of view to fit different demographics that way if someone doesn't like one story, they may like a different one. Some will be emotional, domestic, action, maybe thriller, maybe mystery. Some may focus on teenage drama, family, science, time travel, religion, ETC.

Like I said, there's a lot I feel I can offer people and I'm hoping this series can deliver the intent. Thank you for everyone who supports this new journey I'm taking in life and I'm hoping that by writing these stories I can help people have broader understandings of life and maybe even themselves. Thank you all for your support and have a good night.
May 28th, 2018 at 06:32am