What Would You Do? Advice Very Welcome

Hey my pretties,

Sorry I have been semi MIA... not really, cuz I am always creeping around here.

Getting right to it, I need people's opinions on something that happened to me today.
Or rather something that I experienced without anyone else being affected.

SO... a couple months ago, I lost my iPod at the gym I go to. I thought it may have been stolen, or I left it and it got taken. But I looked everywhere I could think of, because I absolutely hate losing things, and that iPod was a Christmas gift from my parents. Also I tend to develop sentimental feelings for all things I get, especially if it was a gift.

Well today... I may have found my iPod. MAYBE

...on the hip of a cheery looking fellow gym goer.

So I walk into the gym not thinking much of anything. Kinda irritated because my mother caught a lady digging through her locker at the same gym (another separately aggravating story). So my faith in humanity was kinda on the dim side today as I stepped into the gym.
As I was holding up my key to check into the gym, I glanced over to the man standing there talking to the front desk clerks.... and on his hip was a familiar looking iPod, in the same exact cover that I had. Except the cover was now damaged which absolutely broke my heart.

Now I am not crazy. I KNOW at this point, none of this is proven. It could be a crazy coincidence and all. There is no way to prove that it is (or isn't) my iPod without that man's cooperation. And today... which I am kicking myself for this, but instead of saying anything... I walked away.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to bring that up without sounding accusatory. And truth be told, I started to feel stressed and anxious that I had to walk away.

Maybe that was my one. ONE chance at getting answers. Not to get all mushy, I really was devastated when I lost that iPod. I had it for a long time, and also I had a lot of songs on it from my skating days, like my favorite short program, and some of my long programs. Tears were shed, more than I would like to admit.

So guys... what would you have done in that moment?

also... universe, God, the higher power if you're here... could I please have another chance at meeting that guy and talk to him about that iPod? I just... I either want to know or get closure, I guess.

Is that stupid or silly?
June 19th, 2018 at 04:30am