Note To Self: I Miss You Terribly

My “mommy” is soon gone :( I gonna miss her but at least I get to call her! And that makes me happy, and I got Jojje <3 he keeps saying that she need this to feel better and that I should stop being selfish. Is it selfish to want her all by yourself? I don’t think so y’know, I want to go with her there so I can stop her from doing bad things. Don’t do bad things! I hit you if I do, or I just don’t gonna nag about ice cream for a a whole week.

I love you bebbe <3

And Jojje is acting gay – of course he have to be gay since he isfucking dating me, but more then normally I mean. He refuses to give me some love ‘til NiiL’s have left. I don’t want her to leave, but I want sex, and she refuse to tape me this time and oh how I now that they gonna kill me for reading this. At least Jojje, he don’t want to be seem horny. Of course not love, you’re the one who couldn’t wait longer then nine days (sorry for the teenage count ^^) ‘til getting into my pants.

No compliments although, I enjoyed it and I love you even more then I loved you then. I think I love you more for every second passing – my heart gonna burst by my love to you.
And omg do anyone else think I sound slightly gay? ^^
God, how do people put up with me?

NiiLs: ‘Cause we’ve been forced up on you with your utterly cuteness and hyper adorability

Jojje: You’re hot as fuck and good in bed.

See, that’s why you never should ask bored people – they never give you the answer you want.
But thanks for saying I’m good in bed, I LOVEloveLOVE you <3<3

Btw, do people think I am pale? Or with as a ghost? I don’t want to be classed as a typical emo kid ‘cause of that, I can’t help that I am verysensitive to the sun. And obsessed by Jojje’s bed.

Now NiiLs is complaining, she say that I shouldn’t sit by the computer when I’m horny. I don’t? :| C’mon, this is slash heaven for…. erh, slash wanties, me talking about my and Jojje’s sex life ^^

OH! bonus babble; Wanna now where I got my name? From NiiLs/Cary whatever….. Quick Times Girls here on Mibba ^^ I’m obsessed over one of hers songs – and it’s dedicated to ME <3
I think everybody should read it *noddes* it’s soo cute <3 her band is gonna play it on my birthday :D :D

Now I gonna keep my sweet hearts company when they smoke – BYE! <3<3
October 23rd, 2007 at 09:48pm