Get Happy tour hits Brixton!! (22 Oct)

Right so off we head to get to Brixton where I aim to *not* bleed all over the floor!! First thing we do though is to get lost... d'oh!! We get there with minutes to spare and fly in to find some space on the platform. We had not been there long when the first band, Army Of Freshman, came on.

First impression, how many of them are there? Seriously! Had 6 most of the tme but suddenly there were 2 singers... I was like, eh? They were good though. I don't know their stuff so I won't try to name anything. I really enjoyed them though so, good start!!

Next band were Zebrahead. Not as god as Army of Freshman which was dissapinting as I do know some of their stuff so was looking forward to seeing them. Shame that!!

Bloodhound Gang next. They were not too crude which was a bit of a relief to be honest. They were crude though, don't get me wrong, what with tit pick and cock pics etc. Cute bit in the Ballad of Chasey Lane when he gets his mum and dad on stage for 'ps: Mum and Dad this is Chasey; Chasey this is my Mum and Dad...' (OMG, I have just refered to that song as cute!). Disgusting bit of drinking the spit back (Ew!) and a knob joke involving a cast so Ted could have it 'fall off'... They did bad touch, the hoof is on fire, balad of chasey lane, f.u.c.k and screwing you on the beach... which are the ones I know!

Bowling For Soup last and as ever worth the wait! Oh, they are so funny... 'you! you do great air guitar!' and 'I heard you broke Evil Ted's penis' are 2 quotes that stick in my mind from the night. They played everthing I knew... too many to list just think singles, hehehe!! All to soon though it was all over... 'get happy', oh yes, 'happy all right'... 'Thank the alcohol Gods!'
October 24th, 2007 at 12:10am