Medication Troubles + Tumblr

Hi Mibba!

I wanted to talk about the new medications I am on. So I saw the psychiatrist a bit ago, and she prescribed me ADD/HDHD medication. Won't say the name(because I honestly can't remember it and I'm too lazy to get up and check). They are gray tablets though(27 mg as well)

It is a 12 hour lasting drug. So therefore I gotta get my a** up early to take it. I got up at 7:30 AM and took it. Going about my day, I drank coffee and grabbed something small to eat.
Important note, I drink A LOT of coffee. I normally have 3 cups when I am home.

So within hours I was jittery beyond belief. I felt weird(I don't know how else to describe it) and drugged overall. Also, I could not eat. I went to work and just was not having a good day.

I confided to my boyfriend, and he was worried. I told him the does I started off on and he kinda freaked out? He said that was way too high of a does to start off on, and blah, blah, blah.

Next day I did not take the medication. I skipped it and called the doctor. Within a few hours she got back to me. She told me to give it 3-5 days to adjust to it. She also advised me to NOT DRINK ENERGY DRINKS AND COFFEE. She reassured me the dose is fine, I was just overly stimulated from all the caffeine I had.

I relayed the message to my boyfriend, and he was not happy. He was saying the doctor is an idiot, and giving me a very strong opinion to not take it. I was torn. It was either I don't take it and my parents/doctor got pissed off at me. Or I took it, and my boyfriend would be worried/upset. It's a situation where I can't win.

Well, I got up at 7:30 AM today. I took the medication. I DID NOT DRINK COFFEE. I had some peppermint tea instead. I'm a few hours in, and I do feel a bit jittery, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the first day taking it. So I think I f*cked myself up drinking all the caffeine.
But so far, so good!

Also, I got sucked back into the world of tumblr. Give me a follow?
I will follow you back if you follow me and tell me the username you use.

Well, that's it. Bye for now Mibba!
July 20th, 2018 at 03:08pm