The Return


been a while.

like literal years.

things have changed. if anyone has kept up with anything about me (doubt it), i'm no longer [REDACTED]. please, call me Mac. i'm no longer in California and obviously not GrandMasterSlapShot, KingOfTheMusicScene, JosieClone94, etc.

i'm now CitizenT (thank you Z Nation for having the character Citizen Z)

this is a brief re-introduction, now to the fun part.

what about my stories?

at this point in time, i have deleted So Lock and Load, The Drug In Me Is You... Literally, and I Am a Monster. i'm probably going to delete the other two and leave Warped is a Cover for Hell.

speaking of WIACFH, i'm redoing it. making edits. changing things. fixing my shit excuse for chapters. making it less cringe. i've messaged Lauren about it and have yet to hear anything back.

things are changing. i've become a better writer over the years (i'm over on ao3 if anyone's interested in what i have there). i'm writing fics for overwatch and fallout, but i've been wanting to come back to WIACFH for a really long time.

stay tuned.

and i apologize for dropping off the face of the earth again.
July 31st, 2018 at 11:39pm