Why Am I Here?

So, it is necessary to explain - at least to myself - how I was here and what goals I pursue.
First. I do not know English at all and use google translators. I'm sure it can be funny on its own. At first.
The second. I'm trying to learn English by translating my texts into English (this is definitely a tautology). The main problem with this is that I do not know how the translated text sounds for the native speaker's ear.
Third. For the past eight years, I've been waiting to learn English perfectly, and I have not moved one step closer to it.
As a result, I decided to get involved in the fight .. and see who will stay on the feet after the bout.
Of course, I understand that I can break all imaginable and unthinkable rules of this resource, for which I apologize in advance.
The only request - even if you banish or delete me, specify at least a place where I might be better off than here.
Yours sincerely
August 8th, 2018 at 02:14pm