Well, It's Been a While!

I think that was actually the longest time I've been away from Mibba since I was.... alright, I refuse to do the math because it makes me feel old. I thought I'd drop by and see what was a-happen-in but it seems that every time I return this place is more empty. I don't know if you guys remember this, but this place used to be a PARTY. I'd come on Mibba everyday and have like 20 notifications (that was AFTER the site layout update... remember that drama? Good times), people would be posting updates and blogs constantly, and there were always loads of new contests to join or forums to enjoy. I met some really freaking fab people here too & honestly it's the best thing that ever happened to my writing skills.

I got 60 comments on a chapter once. 60. That is literally insane. INSANE. Now I come here & I feel like that old has-been who's in her late sixties but is still trying to fit in with the cool kids & forever live her youth. Lemme reinforce that by saying THE GOOD OLD DAYS GUYS, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. When I was a youngin' here on Mibba there was a chat room. A CHAT ROOM. And they wouldn't let you swear so my friend and I came up with substitute swear words like 'fung' and literally continued to use it when we no longer had to. THE GOOD OLD DAYS. Let me sit on this porch swing, take my straw hat off and sigh for a second as I contemplate my mortality.

Anyway hope you're all well. And if you don't know me: I used to post a lot of stuff here and now I have five novels that I procrastinate writing because I am the worst. Back then -- yes, in the GOOD OLD DAYS, I used to profusely apologise to my readers if I missed ONE DAY of updating. That honestly cracks me up now and also makes me want to cry because where did that motivation go, man? I mean, what I was writing was absolute garbage that I have repressed into the deep recesses of my mind, but still.

I'm also currently studying my post graduate of child psychology. I'm on placement & attempting not to further traumatise children. I plan to live overseas in France next year and focus on finishing a novel. I have two rabbits who I named after famous authors because I am a massive nerd (Fitzgerald & Poe) and I added another bookcase to my room which makes me so happy.

Life's still a struggle but I'm actually in the best place I've ever been (touch wood). I just wanted to post here because of nostalgia. Honestly, joining this site was one of the best things I ever did, because it helped me realise my intense passion for writing, I met some incredible people who made me feel accepted and like I could be myself (the very opposite from the outside world), and I had FUN.

And now that I've ranted and rambled, I will sit here on my porch swing and take of my straw hat, and then stare into the sunset. THE GOOD OLD DAYS. How I freakin' miss you.

Love ya, Meebz.
Your girl Ash.
September 2nd, 2018 at 02:41pm